Gay Shops In Valparaíso

La Casa de Las Flores Rocuant

(4 Ratings)

Small grassroots plant store

This house of flowers is queer-owned and operated in the hills of Valparaiso. It specializes in drou...

Cerro rocuant alto Calle 9 casa 19 Cerro rocuant alto Calle 9 casa 19 Valparaíso, 2340000 Valparaíso, Chile

$ LGBTQ+ owned plants

Librería Crisis

(238 Ratings)

Independent bookshop

This hole-in-the-wall bookstore is an integral part of Valpo's literary scene and specializes in sho...

segundo piso - Blanco Sur 1065, oficina 202, 2340000 Valparaíso, Chile

Docena Store

(2 Ratings)

Upcycled vintage streetware

This boutique specializes in reimagined garments made from vintage clothing from the 80s, 90s, and 2...

Atalaya 432, Valparaíso, Chile

$$ clothing & accessories second-hand BIPOC-owned

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results